They have grown and evolved so much that an obvious observation here can be made: they are living beings. Actually, corporations have had the name for a long period of time now of Legal Person.
Corporations nowadays have become living organisms that must be treated, at least, almost like a Natural Person, because they have the same rights, or almost all of them. Buy and sell properties, make loans, sign contracts and even commit crimes are some of the resemblance between this two kind of people.
Nonetheless, we have to take into account that corporations cannot exist without the people that manage them and make the decisions for them. Now, there is a problem that can be attacked from two different perspectives: (1) the corporation as a legal person can be loaded with legal implications, and (2) as a living being, which in most cases it directs the company.
There must be a differentiation at the point where it marks where can the jurisdiction, area of action of the company itself, out of that line sanctions ought to be present. In first instance, punish the people behind it, and then, the corporation
First of all, a brief introduction about the organization that has such an important and pertinent task
in the world of today.
The IOM, which was created back in 1951, is an inter-governmental organization that works in the field of migration and works either with other governmental and non-governmental organizations.
It's main goal is to protect the rights of those who migrate into other countries by the pursuit of some goals which are "to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration", "to
promote international cooperation on migration issues", "to assist in the search for practical solutions to migration problems and to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, including refugees and internally
displaced people" (International Organization of Migration, n/a).
The IOM works in four big areas of migration management:
Source: International Organization of Migration
In matters of what IOM does to improve the conditions of women migrant workers, I found a list a
very complete list that shows what do they do and how do they do it. The information below is a literal subtraction of an article published by Gemma Project. This information is not part of my intellectual property but of other people. I just found very pertinent to write this list on my Blog due to the importance of the subject.
I. Promotion of legal and safe migration for women migrant workers
a. Fostering sustainable development alternatives to migration in countries of origin
b. Promotion of legal channels of
migration, inter alia, in order to deter illegal migration
c. Improving women's access to meaningful and gender-sensitive migration information and
II. Promotion of policies that regulate the recruitment and deployment of women migrant workers
a. Improving laws and policies governing recruiters, employers and intermediaries
b. Support for the adoption of penal and criminal sanctions to punish perpetrators
and intermediaries of violence against women migrant workers
III. Promotion and protection of women migrant workers’ rights
a. Protection of Women Migrant Workers' Human rights
b. Protection of women migrant workers from sexual and gender-based violence, domestic
violence, abusive labour practices and discrimination.
c. Projects aiming at addressing women migrant workers disproportionate labour market
d. Projects aiming at addressing gendered forms of racism and xenophobia against women
migrant workers
e. Projects promoting physical and mental health and well-being for women migrant workers
f. Women migrant workers' empowerment and reduction of their vulnerability to abuse
g. Protecting the human rights of migrant girls, including unaccompanied girls
IV. Counter-trafficking activities including capacity-building and direct assistance to victims
a. Providing victims of violence with the full range of immediate assistance and protection
b. Establishing reintegration and rehabilitation schemes for returning women migrant workers
c. Training programmes for law enforcers, immigration officers and border officials, prosecutors
and service providers
V. Research and data collection on women and international labour migration
VI. Promotion of gender-sensitive international migration policies
a. Support to States with regards to signature, ratification or accession of relevant international
b. Support to countries of origin and destination to incorporate a gender perspective in
legislation and policies on international migration and on labour migration
c. Policy/legislation formulation and review
VII. Fostering interstate dialogue and enhancing bilateral, regional, interregional and international
For further explanation on this topic, please go to the Online PDF found HERE.
I also found this short but entertaining video that shows the possible reasons of migration.
According to the information available in the Investment Encyclopedia Investopedia, the main idea for Mergers and Acquisition is to make real the equation "one plus one equals three", which means that two companies, when working together, can create more value than the whole of those two. "Two companies together are more valuable than two separate companies - at least, that's the reasoning behind M&A" (Investopedia, n/a).
These two concepts can be mistakenly taken by the same thing, then, I will give a definition for each one to make a basic differentiation.
Merger. "The combining of two or more companies, generally by offering the stockholders of one company securities in the acquiring company in exchange for the surren
der of their stock" (Investopedia Dictionary, n/a).
This is basically, when two companies become one. This is a mutual decision between both companies and neither of them is placed over the other.
Acquisition. "A corporate action in which a company buys most, if not all, of the target
company's ownership stakes in order to assume control of the target firm. Acquisitions are often made as part of a company's growth strategy whereby it is more beneficial to take over an existing firm's operations and niche compared to expanding on its own. Acquisitions are often paid in cash, the acquiring company's stock or a combination of both" (Investopedia Dictionary, n/a).
In other words, acquisition is when a company buys another one's stocks and becomes the "owner" of that target company. Acquisitions may be friendly or not, whether the target company (the one bought) expresses its agreement to be acquired or not.
One of the most interesting cases that I was able to find is the merge between NEAH Power Systems (a company researching the technology of fuel cells) and EKO Vehicles (a company that makes hight performance electric two wheelers).
This article shows that NEAH Power has signed a letter to explore a little bit more in the area of EKO's Vehicles to make a merger or an acquisition, which is not decided yet, to produce scooters that work with electric energy.
Probably, the idea is to merge both companies and create a new one like the alliance the teacher showed to us in class a time ago between Chrysler and Fiat.
Here's an animation case with the merge of two companies that didn't work at the beginning, and shows what was done to overcome those issues. Pretty educative, I hope you enjoy it.
This ancient South African set of letters and sounds means "humanity to others" (About Ubuntu) and became an humanist philosophy that focuses on people's relations with each other and how any person is to be treated in a good and proper manner.
This philosophy has a basic principle that, according to a translation of Leymah Gbowee, is "I am what I am because of who we all are", which is, as I can see it, an explanation that explicits the influence of the relationship with others can make over my own way to handle the relationships with them: Well-handled relationships in a group will influence my relationship with them for good.
This is actually a great topic to discuss, because relating it with Managerial issues, the usage of this philosophy can truly affect a company itself and bring it down right from it's core.
Relationships are very important in organizations, and now more than ever that we know one relationship can change or affect other relationships with other people, which could cause a big destructive effect if not managed correctly.
Here's a video that goes further with this concept, very interesting and easy to watch, I hope everyone enjoys it.