lunes, 26 de julio de 2010

The BOBs

The BOBs, which means The Best of Blogs, is a webpage that awards the best blogs registered within some categories. You can visit The BOBs site by clicking HERE. Someday, maybe my Blog can also win some award =).

The three blogs I found more interesting are:

EcoPlaneta - Which is the best voted Blog in the category of Climate Change. Very interesting information and tips on how to preserve our planet. Language: Spanish

Malviviendo - Which is the best voted Blog in the category of VideoBlogs. An entretainment Blog that has a series show available on this site and others like YouTube. Language: Spanish.

Vigie du Web - Which is the best voted Blog in the French language category. A very modern blog that catches up with the last releases in tecnology. Language: French.

With this, I complete the creation of my Blog and the Task #1 for my O&Cs Class.